• The candidacy for the Saudi-Japanese Business Council has opened

    Event StartDate :10/12/2019
    Event EndDate : 25/12/2019

    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received a letter from the Saudi Chambers Council No. P / 819 dated 4/11/1441 AH, which includes the intention of the Council to reshape the Saudi side in the Saudi-Japanese Business Council during the session (2020-2023)​

    So we hope that you If you want to join please fill in the nomination form below and return it to the fax (8576660 013) at a maximum of Wednesday, 25/12/2019 m, and can be found on the Regulation of Business Councils Saudi Arabia through download the file below and to inquire communicate with Mr. / Hussein Alhmazi Department of international relations - public relations Department at the e-mail (hhamzi@Chamber.org.sa).​



    نموذج المشاركة.pdf

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